The story of two brothers who are brought back to their childhood home by their father's suicide.
Starring Alexander McCoy and Sam Landon. Cinematography: Victoria Vrublevska.
Written/Directed/Produced/Edited by Thomas Edwards
16 minutes 25 seconds
An experimental documentary about the creative process and the creatives themselves.
Starring Rhiannon Kearns, Jean Edwards, Tarek Slater and Ryan Gilmartin.
A Thomas Edwards production.
14 minutes and 25 seconds
Disappear Kid
A short film about a magician who wants to show the audience a very personal magic trick. A film that appears as one real-time shot.
Starring Roger Rowley. Cinematography and Editing: Victoria Vrublevska. Producer: Sam Burton. Camera Operator: Cameron Browne.
Written and Directed by Thomas Edwards.
13 minutes and 13 seconds