a good blog
I wrote 3 poems when I think I was ill with Covid-19
2020-07-06 17:20:48 UTCI’m like 75% sure I had it. I came home on Friday the 13th of March and felt like 💀 A high fever. Cold sweats. Aches, pains and a mild cough. Fatigue. All sorts. I was wiped out for a week. On the last day of my illness I wrote… -
3rd or 4th time updating the website
2020-05-25 02:58:37 UTCWoah son This website has been always been a learning experience. I’m now on the 3rd or 4th iteration but I can’t be sure which. I could probably check. The latest changes to the website include: a new home pagea page for my work/projectsa revised colour schemeand just generally, a… -
I’m writing a book and I don’t care that I don’t know what i’m doing
2020-05-15 01:48:00 UTCOkay, I kinda care that I don’t know what i’m doing, but hey. So, basically, i’ve started writing a book. Fiction. Fantasy. Blood. 🩸 It’s a pretty scary experience writing when you don’t have the credentials or qualifications to do so. Ever since I was little I was writing though.…