My Social Media Journey. Part 1 - August 14th

For my first blog post on my website I want to start with an overview of my social media accounts. Every day I am learning about social media and marketing. I thought it would be interesting to show where I started from and post updates of my developing social media links. 


I had 56 followers on July 14th with little to no activity in months. I used Twitter a lot - three or four years ago - before I fell out of love with the concept. Garnering attention and keeping engagement was something that didn’t appeal to me. To prepare for my apprenticeship, I reactivated my interest in Twitter. 

In a month I gained 58 followers which is about 2 a day. Chris Smith has an interesting video which helped me focus on Twitter analytics and building a brand. 111 followers as of time of writing. 


July 14th I had no LinkedIn account and no idea of its usefulness. I’ve found it is an effective networking tool and something you should definitely keep on top of. 

August 14th: 77 connections and 36 page views. 


0 subscribers in July. 

0 subscribers in August. It’s a channel I will be improving for the foreseeable future. I’m looking for help with how to promote a YouTube channel efficiently and without paying money. 


In just a month, I reignited my Twitter and established an online presence. Over the coming months I will be posting updates of my journey. This blog post is an excuse for myself to post regularly scheduled blog posts but will be interesting to see in stone the progress (or lack thereof) that I make. 

Feedback for my first blog post would be beneficial. Where are you starting in your social media development? 

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